Wednesday 10 November 2010

Watching TV in The City

 I actually wrote these over the last summer. I am starting to revisit some of the books I have filled up and at least start some preliminary editing. Stuff I post here is never really `finished` I just like to share things as they are happening.

Watching TV

Watching TV
Won`t get those feelings out
Stupid drunk girl
Stupid saboteu.
I need to know who my mother is,
to find out,
What`s wrong with me.

The City

It Rains.
But I have already described the rain
- heaving, unyielding –
maybe it`s nostogia,
maybe it`s romanticism,
but I sit in it,
wet, uneven and exposed,
and dry in inside.

This City is a blister on my foot.
I live here – so I must navigate it.
The rain dulls my pen,
as these words dull my senses.

I want to look out and fear nothing,
see everything.
Apples and blues, demons with holes for eyes, pigs in drag.
I want to know them.
I want to love them.
But I fear them.
My arrogance twists and steals my clarity.
Self satisfaction.

How many times down this shit hole? Do you think?
Before I get it right?
But alas,
these are just words.
Empty and common.
Just like me,
I suppose.
And as for them?

I am drained.
I feel the weight of a million un-lived lives in my gut,
and the taste of hope of my tongue.
I want life,
but it alludes me,
like consciousness alludes a dog.
Can you blame him?

Night rolls in quick,
colder now.
Rain splashing in aggressive pellets.
All the mediocrity of my life,
rolling through my mind,
and I wonder.

Is anything different understood,
In the rain,
out at night,


I`m cold.
And that at least has to stand,
for something.

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